Friday, April 4, 2014

Progress Report JDM for 4BMFB

Content of progress report is as follows: 1) Objective, 2) Problem Statement, 3) Scope, 4) Methodology , 5) Questionnaire. Do show me questionnaire before conducting interview or survey. Date to summit progress report: Week 9 - Hj Rahman

Kelas JDM for 4BMFU and 4BMFR

Salam to all, The above class will be held as follows: Class: BMFU Date: 17th Apr 2014 (Thursday); Time: 2:00-4:00 pm; Venue : BK15 FKEKK. Class: BMFR Date: 18th Apr 2014 (Friday); Time: 8:00-10:00 am; Venue : BK3 PBPI. Hj Rahman

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


Setiap kumpulan sila ambil tajuk yang berwarna biru. Sekiranya kedua2 tajuk dicadangkan berwarna merah ambil saja tajuk alternative cadangan yg kedua:

JDM Law Notes